Why, why, and why? Why what? Why are so many women having a hard time getting pregnant now a days?
This is a question I think of quite often. Mostly because I hear so many heartbreaking stories about it. And yet, there never really seems to be a firm, reasonable answer.
So, let’s break it down by what the medical system considers the top causes. These include: PCOS, Endometriosis, Uterine Polyps, and Uterine Fibroids. Yeah, so not only can we not get pregnant but we also get the benefit of being in excruciating pain. Wonderful.
And why are these disorders on the rise. For example, I myself had Endometriosis. Which started in my twenties. There is a whole other story here about trying to get diagnosed. I’ll save for another time. But my point is, this was over 20 years ago for me. All the Doctors would say the same thing. I couldn’t have Endo because I was too young and it was an old lady disease. Clearly not.
Then there is Unexplained Infertility. Which is the actual medical diagnosis. That’s when you have gone through as much medieval torture as possible, I mean testing, and the Dr’s raise their hands in the air and say “I have No Idea”. Good times.
From these causes we do have treatments, IVF and such. But it still doesn’t get to the root of the problem, the source, the cause. The Why.
How do we treat the cause not the problem if you don’t even know what it is?
Some will say things such as hormone issues. But still I ask the question. Then why do so many Women have hormonal issues?
Yes, I can hear you all raising your hands and saying “What about Maternal Age”. Yes, well what about it?
Here is something you might not know. Way back in our history, back in 1850, the median age at which a woman had her last child was, wait for it, 40. Yes, 170 years ago. And let’s remind each other what the median is. It’s not
the average. Median is the middle. So, what does that mean. That means 170 years ago just about half of all women giving birth to their last child where over 40. Think they did IVF back then.
Even in my own family, my Grandfather was what they use to refer to as an “Oops Baby”. Yes, in today’s day it is something different. However, this referred to women who seemed to be older or done having children, then surprise! His oldest sibling was 15 years older, and the middle sibling 12 years older.
So, what is going on with us Ladies? What is happening to our bodies? And just because we may have ways of treating it now, doesn’t make it any less important to find the WHY!!!